Dream House Decor


The house will stand for decades, so every ornament details and material must be considered. And the aspects is durability, looks, and it’s so much good if the material is an eco friendly product. To make a beautiful house, strong and eco friendly will not just being a dream.

Definition of an eco friendly house not in the house that has a natural look by giving a wood decor in every part of your house. But eco friendly house can be seen from the construction and renovation process that can minimize a negative effect on the world, one of them is an eco friendly material.

Solution of wood substitute

A beautiful wood as a house decoration can interest people who see it because can make a natural look from your house. So, you can present in your house with keep forest preservation and environment. You have to change your wood with a premium quality of Conwood products.

Innovation of wall application

As one of the main part, wall also become a center. A Conwood give the ebst solution to change your wall to more interest. With an innovative technology from Swiss, Conwood Plank 8″ has a teak texture with random design and natural wood fiber from cellulose fiber. This product looks like a real wood and easy to use even with a simple tools. Conwood Plank 8″ is a multifunction board that can be use for wall and eaves to your house.

Source article : A Majalah HOME Living Edisi Spesial / Januari 2015

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